NonceGeekDAO has a longstanding focus on the Move ecosystem and the Elixir functional programming language.
is the Elixir SDK for the pan-Move ecosystem developed by NonceGeekDAO, which has now completed its implementation of theAptos
of basic support.
The case for this post can be seen:
Aptos List of Completed Features:
- Acct Operations (account-related operations)
- Read Resource
- Read Events
- Call Func
- Func Parser (a function that parses a string format such as
0x01 Installation
Create a new sample project:
$ mix new web3_move_ex_example
$ # Or clone an existing github repo.
$ git clone
Add the latest version of theweb3_move_ex
defp deps do
{:web3_move_ex, "~> 0.4.0"}
Open the interactive interface:
$ iex-S mix
0x02 Account Related
We can generate accounts by randomizing seeds:
alias Web3MoveEx.Aptos
{:ok, acct} = Aptos.generate_keys()
It can also be generated with a private key:
{:ok, acct} = Aptos.generate_keys("0xffc207d0666ca82eac4e2238d0cf15f963a03ec6a9daa617dc035b7228de1f28")
Create a connection to the node's client
{:ok, client} = Aptos.connect(:testnet)
Inject some into the account faucet
Aptos.get_faucet(client, acct)
Get the balance:
Aptos.get_balance(client, acct)
You can see that getting faucet was successful:
iex(10)> Aptos.get_balance(client, acct)
coin: %{value: "100000000"},
deposit_events: %{
counter: "1",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xe59f44953723d5a8e26df9d3d4a613a2da3ff9f7dc4214dc281e10a244f39e3f",
creation_num: "2"
creation_num: "2" } }, frozen: false,
withdraw_events: %{
counter: "0",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xe59f44953723d5a8e26df9d3d4a613a2da3ff9f7dc4214dc281e10a244f39e3f",
creation_num: "3"
We can package the series of steps we just took into a single function:
def gen_acct_and_get_faucet(network_type) do
{:ok, acct} = Aptos.generate_keys()
{:ok, client} = Aptos.connect(network_type)
{:ok, _res} = Aptos.get_faucet(client, acct)
Process.sleep(2000) # wait 2 seconds for successful transaction
%{res: Aptos.get_balance(client, acct), acct: acct}
The result of the function execution:
iex(7)> %{acct: acct} = Web3MoveExExample.gen_acct_and_get_faucet(:testnet)
acct: #Account,
res: %{
coin: %{value: "100000000"},
deposit_events: %{
counter: "1",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
creation_num: "2"
creation_num: "2" } }, frozen: false,
withdraw_events: %{
counter: "0",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
creation_num: "3"
0x03 Calling Functions and Reading Events
We are based on MoveDID
contract on a test network as an example, demonstrating how to pass theweb3_move_ex
to make contract calls.
MoveDID Repo:
Smart Contract on Testnet:
We can generate func by func_string:
import Web3MoveEx.
addr= "0x06195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46" # contract address
init_func_str = "#{addr}::init::init(u64, string)"
{:ok, init_func} = ~a "#{init_func_str}"
The results are as follows:
iex(5)> {:ok, init_func} = ~a "#{init_func_str}"
address: <>,
address_encoded: "0x06195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46",
is_entry: true,
name: "init",
param_names: [],
return: [],
type_params: [],
visibility: :public
You can check by the
function, follow the contract logic and add a newDID
It will be in thecontract_owner
The corresponding event is generated under
Aptos.build_event_path(client, addr, "#{addr}::addr_aggregator::CreateAddrAggregatorEventSet", "create_addr_aggregator_events")
# This function generates an address that can be accessed directly with a browser.
Aptos.get_events(client, addr, "#{addr}::addr_aggregator::CreateAddrAggregatorEventSet", "create_addr_aggregator_events")
# This function gets the Event results.
iex(13)> Aptos.get_events(client, addr, "#{addr}::addr_aggregator::CreateAddrAggregatorEventSet", "create_addr_aggregator_events")
{:ok, []}
generating payload
payload = Aptos.call_function(f, [], [1, "testAcct"])
Submit a transaction:
Aptos.submit_txn_with_auto_acct_updating(client, acct, payload)
# Method 0x01: Automatically updating acct's information
# Aptos.submit_txn(client, acct, payload)
# Method 0x02: do not automatically update acct information
Implementation results:
iex(15)> Aptos.submit_txn_with_auto_acct_updating(client, acct, payload)
expiration_timestamp_secs: "1679451173",
gas_unit_price: "1000",
hash: "0x931c2821df3e6c9c40bf00d5ed7e20aa1172a053d3c3d658a9f7bd31f17d91f6",
max_gas_amount: "2000",
payload: %{
arguments: ["1", "testAcct"],
function: "0x6195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46::init::init",
type: "entry_function_payload",
type_arguments: []
sender: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
sequence_number: "0",
signature: %{
public_key: "0x361c4395cc87cf951dc5f879bdf2c2f91df3078c9a2ee4b5bf9892243a24a5fb",
signature: " 0x94f9cbf17c5095e76ea30a88d6683c9951fbfa3b1e261ca6b4722fac985946dcc0f5e7a8c03e6b322f39b102874484b620cf0943c672eadd4fd9b3505e65f804 ",
type: "ed25519_signature"
Viewed on a browser, the transaction was executed successfully:
We can also pass thecheck_tx_res_by_hash
Aptos.check_tx_res_by_hash(client, hash) # return true or false
We can similarly set thecall_fun_init
process is encapsulated as a function:
def call_func_init(client, acct, contract_addr, did_type, description) do
{:ok, f} = gen_func_init(contract_addr)
payload = Aptos.call_function(f, [], [did_type, description])
{:ok, %{hash: hash} = tx} = Aptos.submit_txn_with_auto_acct_updating(client, acct, payload)
Process.sleep(2000) # takes 2 seconds to wait for the transaction to succeed
res = Aptos.check_tx_res_by_hash(client, hash)
%{res: res, tx: tx}
res: res, tx: tx}
def gen_func_init(contract_addr) do
init_func_str = "#{contract_addr}::init::init(u64, string)"
~a "#{init_func_str}"
Implementation results:
iex(22)> Web3MoveExExample.call_func_init(client, acct, addr, 1, "test Acct")
res: true,
tx: %{
expiration_timestamp_secs: "1679475296",
expiration_timestamp_secs: "1679475296", gas_unit_price: "1000",
hash: "0x73687a7e4c953f3cf13a768fe03560a61c06615fa8c089888f23cd3ccd8dc6e8",
max_gas_amount: "2000",
payload: %{
arguments: ["1", "test Acct"],
function: "0x6195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46::init::init",
type: "entry_function_payload",
type_arguments: []
sender: "0xc193cd62bab00790d40265505ce894552c14a3693aca9bc2310ee0ecdc53780b",
sequence_number: "0",
signature: %{
public_key: "0x6bfa0d62dd63ea8a4291ffec10fc448ab554188d7765a9faf1b0992dbb199c38",
signature: " 0xc8a9d4368a0cc2daff3add7162745990d3bd9c33ec6f1112b5dfe45cdd25d4fdf5d19a361048b67081e3ce9c242c93266af4736d8c86541906e08c2ef387ef05 ",
type: "ed25519_signature"
At this point, execute the get_events
You will see that events was generated successfully:
iex(16)> Aptos.get_events(client, addr, "#{addr}::addr_aggregator::CreateAddrAggregatorEventSet", "create_addr_aggregator_events")
data: %{
description: "testAcct",
key_addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
type: "1"
guid: %{
account_address: "0x6195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46",
creation_number: "4"
creation_number: "4" }, sequence_number: "0",
type: "0x6195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46::addr_aggregator::CreateAddrAggregatorEvent",
version: "473098605"
0x04 Viewing Resources
Open your browser to access it:
This resource is also available to us through the web3_move_ex
Getting to:
Aptos.get_resource(client, account.address_hex, "#{addr}::addr_aggregator::AddrAggregator")
iex(20)> Aptos.get_resource(client, "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f", "#{addr}::addr_ aggregator::AddrAggregator")
data: %{
add_addr_events: %{
counter: "0",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
creation_num: "4"
addr_infos_map: %{
handle: "0xbae0b5ae8c373db15ca2f71a18f92ed3ed363e5730cf3f8a90791c04ff6908da"
addrs: [],
delete_addr_events: %{
counter: "0",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
creation_num: "7"
description: "testAcct",
key_addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
max_id: "0",
modified_counter: "0",
type: "1",
update_addr_events: %{
counter: "0",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
creation_num: "6"
update_addr_signature_events: %{
counter: "0",
guid: %{
id: %{
addr: "0xedf8dcb761e7ee7884e5a94d1f9b330f7a3ed09317bebe163738c31dc67e446f",
creation_num: "5"
type: "0x6195d43edde4b1cd3a96f7838686b9b12b51023cd388dfb21f123b350f4ec46::addr_aggregator::AddrAggregator"
All of the above content is reproduced from the Internet, does not represent the position of AptosNews, is not investment advice, investment risk, the market need to be cautious, such as infringement, please contact the administrator to delete.